Today’s prompt is “railroad ties”.

Some of you know that my father, Jules Burgevin, is a painter, as well as someone who is passionate about trains. Over the years Dad has done some great paintings of trains. I have his permission to use images of two of them for today’s haiku prompt, “railroad ties”. The first painting is of the Lehigh Valley’s Black Diamond train that ran between Buffalo and New York City from the late 1800’s to mid 1900’s. The second painting is Engine #833 of the Union Pacific Railway line. A steam engine that rivaled all engines of its era.

Black Diamond
a flagship train’s
ties to the past

Black Diamond by Jules Burgevin

Black Diamond by Jules Burgevin

Union Pacific’s
Engine 833
tying ocean to ocean

Union Pacific by Jules Burgevin

Union Pacific by Jules Burgevin

If you would like to see more of my father’s paintings, please visit his website at

Many of his paintings are available for sale, although my father gifted me the Black Diamond painting years ago and it has graced my home ever since.

Tomorrow’s prompt is “Greek coffee”. Have a wonderful day!