Today is the last day of NaHaiWriMo!

Thank you for your interest in my creative writing project. It has been a pleasure spending the month with you. Together we made it through the fourth (and last) month of winter, at least for those of us in the northeast and midwest. I appreciated your personal messages. It was so much fun to read your haiku as well as your impressions of mine.

I have some exciting news to share. A collection of my haiku is being published by Red Moon Press and will soon be available. The title is frozen earth. When it becomes available, I will send you the particulars.

Your support means a great deal to me. I feel fortunate to have a chance to share my writing with you each year. Writing for an audience of friends and family motivates me in a unique way. If you know of someone who would enjoy receiving my daily haiku next year, please let me know and I will add their name to the list.

Stay in touch!

With heartfelt appreciation,

day 28 – button jewelry (I chose “pussy willow.” This is for my student, Bennu.)
pussy willows
brushing against
her soft, gray fur