Young People Respond to Gee’s Bend Art–Exhibit and Reception
It is a pleasure to announce the opening reception for the art show “Quilts and Prints: Young People Respond to Gee’s Bend Art.” Eleven of my students will be featured during the month of December at Schlow Library’s art gallery.
With the expert help of a talented block print artist and teacher, Elaine Elledge, we embarked on an eight-month-long project to study the fabric artists of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. The challenge of emulating the unique artistic concepts in the Gee’s Bend artwork to make our quilts and block prints was both formidable and thrilling. Student writings about their creative process are on display alongside the quilts and prints.
If you are unable to attend the reception or visit the gallery during December, please check here in mid-December to see photos of the show and reception. I think you’ll enjoy it.
The full details and links to press coverage are on the Events page.
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