Last day of NaHaiWriMo – Day 28

Today is the last day of NaHaiWriMo!

Thank you for your interest in my creative writing project. It has been a pleasure spending the month with you. Together we made it through the fourth (and last) month of winter, at least for those of us in the northeast and midwest. I appreciated your personal messages. It was so much fun to read your haiku as well as your impressions of mine.

I have some exciting news to share. A collection of my haiku is being published by Red Moon Press and will soon be available. The title is frozen earth. When it becomes available, I will send you the particulars.

Your support means a great deal to me. I feel fortunate to have a chance to share my writing with you each year. Writing for an audience of friends and family motivates me in a unique way. If you know of someone who would enjoy receiving my daily haiku next year, please let me know and I will add their name to the list.

Stay in touch!

With heartfelt appreciation,

day 28 – button jewelry (I chose “pussy willow.” This is for my student, Bennu.)
pussy willows
brushing against
her soft, gray fur

NaHaiWriMo Day 27

Imagine, we’ve almost reached the end of February!

Today’s haiku is vaguely related to the prompt, “rainbow jello.”

tulips bowing
to the rain
stone Buddha

Tomorrow’s prompt is “button jewelry.”
Have a wonderful day.

NaHaiWriMo Day 26

The prompt for today’s haiku is “homemade soup.” This haiku is dedicated to my good friend, Christine, who invited me to try her egg-drop soup and thereby gave me an idea for this poem. To be fair, the pair of mallards I saw today should also be included in my dedication!

egg drop soup
a pair of mallards
mate midstream

Tomorrow’s prompt is “rainbow jello.”
The sun is shining today after days and days of rain. I hope you’re receiving some sun, too!

NaHaiWriMo Day 25

Today’s haiku is about dressing up.

dressing up
late winter
cardinal song

Tomorrow’s prompt is “homemade soup.”

Have a lovely Sunday.

NaHaiWriMo Day 24

Happy Weekend!

I hope you’re enjoying it so far. The prompt for today’s haiku is “hot water bottle.”

in hot water—
March rain
cold comfort

It’s not too common to use an idiom in a haiku, let alone two idioms. But somehow these two just seemed like a fitting beginning and ending to today’s haiku.

Tomorrow’s prompt is “dressing up.”
Take good care.


NaHaiWriMo Day 23

Good Morning!

Today’s haiku is about various kinds of pie.

pie-faced moon
blueberries bluer

Tomorrow’s prompt is “hot-water bottle.”

Have a great day!

NaHaiWriMo Day 22

The prompt for today’s haiku is “the first frost.” I wrote a haiku on this topic a number of years ago and I’ll share that one after I share the one I wrote yesterday:

the first
and only morning

Here’s the haiku I composed a while back:

first frost
I give everything
to the night sky

Sometimes I have restless nights during which I often compose haiku, I even revise! Last night I got thinking about alternate endings for this haiku:

first frost
I give everything
a try

first frost
I give everything
to my next of kin

If you’d like to try your hand at your own alternate ending, send it my way. I’d love to read it.


Enjoy the afternoon!

NaHaiWriMo Day 21

Today’s haiku prompt is “appetizer.” I wrote two haiku. The second one is a blended word haiku.

an app
picturing the food
I hope to eat


Tomorrow’s prompt is “the first frost.”

NaHaiWriMo Day Day 20

Coming to you later in the day than normal, here is my haiku about a gentle rocking motion.

mourning doves
on a swaying limb
waiting out winter

Tomorrow’s prompt is “appetizers.”
Have a nice evening!

NaHaiWriMo Day 19

After 19 days of writing haiku daily, I am hitting my stride! I look forward to composing a haiku each day and sending it to you. I’m very grateful to my readership.

Today’s haiku is about the sounds made by a washboard and it is dedicated to all the winter lovers in my life, those of us who hate to see winter come to an end.

the gurgle, drip, trickle
of snowmelt
these washboard blues

A good friend of mine sent me her obi sash haiku that I’d like to share with you. Barb spent a lot of her childhood in Japan. This haiku is about an experience she had as an 8-year old while she and her family lived in Sapporo. Through this haiku, I can picture Barb as a child dancing in her special clothing!

Cherry blossom sash
A festival dance of joy
Our homage to kin

Tomorrow’s prompt is “a gentle rocking motion.”