National Haiku Writing Month

The month of February is almost upon us, and that means it’s time for National Haiku Writing Month! To get things rolling I am sharing a haiku I wrote during the cold spell in early January:
sub-zero day
a trio
of bluebirds
It is a pleasure to connect with you during the month of February. Thank you for your interest in my daily haiku. If you would like to have your address taken off this list, please send me an email to that effect. Otherwise, I’ll assume you want to receive daily haiku throughout the coming month. Rest assured, future emails will be briefer!
Michael Dylan Welch, a haiku poet, began NaHaiWriMo on facebook eight years ago. It is an open and welcoming forum. Each day Michael posts a prompt for a haiku. Participants then post their haiku. Typically there is a theme for the prompts that Michael decides ahead of time, but keeps a secret until 2/1. If want to know more about Michael’s work and NaHaiWriMo check out this website or simply read on below my signature.
Remember, please send me your haiku this month if you write any. I always enjoy reading them. Even better, share your haiku in the comments
Tomorrow’s prompt:
biting into a taco
(For my students who are writing daily haiku, feel free to loosely interpret this prompt. Biting into something like an apple or a cold slice of watermelon could open doors to many haiku!)
NaHaiWriMo NaHaiWriMo writing prompts for February 2018 have been produced through random numbers and letters provided by NaHaiWriMo participants, using the number to choose a page number from a particular book, and the letter to indicate a particular line on that page. This process led to all the prompts for this month (with the original source sometimes lightly edited). Each prompt I’ll be posting will appear with the name of the person and his or her random number/letter combination. If you wonder which book these prompts came from, I’ll reveal the source at the end of the month (if you happen to figure out which book it is, please keep that to yourself—thanks). Until then, enjoy this month’s prompts—which, as I expected, often have an air of surprise and unexpectedness to them. Thanks to all the people to be named with each prompt who helped to generate these prompts.